Wednesday, August 02, 2006

long time, no blog...

I have since finished the second sock and presented them to my sis-in-law who loves them :) I tried to keep it on the down low that they were for her so that she would be surprised. And she was (or at least pretended to be). So I had all this microspun leftover and couldn't decide on what my next project should be so I started a pair of mini socks for the String Bean. Here's a picture of how far I got during our little weekend trip to Cleaveland, Ohio. We went to Bruce's Wedding. I wish I had pics but Paul forgot the camera ;-)

So here's a pic of the mini sock instead (dollar added for scale):

My next project will be a pair of arrrgyle socks for my brother-in-law for his birthday in September. That gives me just about a month. If I can find the right yarn I think that should be enough time. I hope he likes them :)

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