Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ode to my motorcycle

She's my baby. I named her Apple. Most people tell me that I'll want a bigger bike or that I'll outgrow her. Many said that I'd outgrow her within the first season (we're now at the end of our 2nd year together). I think my love for her has only grown.

This past week the car has been at the mechanic more than it's been in our driveway, so I've been toting Paul (all 6 foot 2 inches of him) around on the back. We've also been going through an excruciating heat wave. Yesterday, I went and filled the tank and then worked out the mileage. 72 MPG. I don't know any cars with better mileage and if you know a bike with better mileage, I'd love to buy one for Paul.

I love her so much that I'm planning my future around spending more time with her. I'd like to get a job that won't require me to wear skirts and heels. I know I could always change once I got there, but it's easier if I don't.



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