Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sink cabinet framing

I fully intended to blog more about DexCon, but since Paul and I were sharing my laptop, there wasn't any wifi in the hotel room (even though there was in the Con area), and Paul was hogging using it to track his character sheets in all his rpga games.... I never actually got the chance and I forgot to continue taking pictures.

So here's a renovation photo....

The area behind the future home of the sink is all framed up (except for the backsplash which I'm keeping relatively open for the plumbers), everything is level, square and ready to go. I think I'm going to let the plumbers do their thing and then create the removable back panels for the cabinets after. Or at least the sink cabinet.... I might do the one next to it first so that they can see what I'm trying for. It's all a tight squeeze, so I'm hoping that the dishwasher fits without a huge problem. The plumber might need to reroute the pex piping for the outdoor spiggot though... Not sure what he was thinking when he made that stick so far out from the wall....

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