Thursday, August 09, 2007

Renovation To-Do list

- adjust cabinet openings for appliances
- install appliance platforms
- install counter-tops
- route out bottom of water-meter cabinet
- install bolts for removable-backed cabinets
- install remaining baseboard and quarter round
- buy and install foundation wall cap
- install thresholds for front door, bath room door, and living room door
- stain, caulk, and seal/waterproof thresholds
- install end panel on penninsula
- have plumber in to install sink and dishwasher
- finish backsplash/window-shelf framing behind sink (need sink installed first) (the framing is done, just need butcherblock shelf installed)
- install trim pieces above sink (need window-shelf done first)
- remove doors from hinges (The hinge pins are stubbornly fused in place. I'm not sure how it's possible considering that the doors still swing, but apparently it is. Also, the screws that hold the hinges to the door and doorjamb are also impossible to extricate)
- strip, prime, and paint windows
- strip (partially done), prime, and paint doors
- rehang doors (see above)
- install guide rails on window jambs and reinstall windows
- putty, sand, caulk, prime, and paint all trim molding
- assemble cabinet drawers (mostly done)
- install cabinet shelves, doors, drawers (partially done)
- have electrician come and finish electrical work

Dining room:
- buy and install trim pieces for window aprons
- strip, prime, and paint windows
- install guide rails on window jambs
- putty, sand, prime and paint all trim moldings
- buy and install smoke detector

Bed room:
- cut and reinstall doorjamb
- buy and install trim moldings for support beam
- install healing duct and vent cover
- strip paint on window muttons, prime, and repaint
- remove closet door, prime, paint and rehang
- putty, sand, caulk, prime, and paint all remaining trim
- install door threshold
- buy and install smoke/CO detector
- install puck lights in closets

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At 6:06 PM, Blogger affectioknit2 said...

Wow - that's quite a list - we're doing some reno too - not as drastic as yours tho'...


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