Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh my! It's almost Valentine's Day...

I'm somewhat shocked that it's been so long since I posted. This blog, though named for my love of programming and knitting morphed overtime into an almost full-time renovation blog. Since I haven't worked on the renovation in months, there hasn't been much to blog here. I have been blogging over here though. It seems that now that my kitchen is functional, I'd rather be cooking in it than painting the trim.

I have been knitting something, off and on, ...more off than on actually. I haven't posted pictures of it yet because it's a gift, and I have a long way to go on it.

On the programming front, I have been working on a little project in my free time that I hope will someday morph into something highly functional, at least for my own sake if no one else's, but I'm trying to limit working on it until I finish math stuff and raise my income level to something sustainable.

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